Hibiscus oil helps in controlling the hair fall. It is one of the ancient remedies effective in retaining the extremely precious hair strands. The oil should be made exclusively from red hibiscus flower as other color hibiscus flowers are not that effectual in stopping hair fall. It helps the hair to attain strength and grow healthy maintaining the volume as it contains hyaluronic and linolenic acids. In addition it even aids in controlling dandruff thereby reduce the hair fall.
How to Prepare Hibiscus Oil at Home
Collect and wash red hibiscus flower. Later allow to dry the flowers completely. It might take 3-4 days. Next powder it and mix in coconut oil. Store it in dark bottle.
Alternatively, once the red hibiscus flower is entirely dry break it into small pieces roughly with hand and put in the wide mouth dark glass jar. Fill the jar with oil of choice like coconut or olive. Ensure all the pieces of flower in the jar are fully immersed in the oil. Close the lid tightly and put in sun for two weeks. Later strain and it is ready to use. 4-5 flowers shall be sufficient for 200 ml oil.
Slightly warm the oil and rub gently on the scalp. Give mild massage for 15-20 minutes with finger tips. Also apply oil on ends of the hair as it prevents split ends.
Useful Link : Prepare Hibiscus hair growth oil