on face every night. Rinse it off with warm water in morning. This is not only a good home remedy for treating pimple but also cures pimples, dryness of skin, blackheads on your face and checks formation of wrinkles on your face. It also work wonders for your complexion and gives a youthful look to the face. Using natural beauty treatments is always recommended for treating pimple as it is more effective and safe then other chemical products.
If you are looking cure the pimple fast with in 3 days you can try this
Most effective Pimple Remedies from India:
Pimple Remedy 1:
Basic Natural Pimple Remedy using Aoe Vera
Preparing Pimple Remedy using natural herbal Ingredients:
Silk cotton tree thorn powder – 10 grams.
Alum powder – 2 grams.
Aloe -vera fresh gel – 20 grams.
Aloe-vera pimple remedy paste is for single use only. You should not
refrigerate and use them like Pimple cure powder remedy
This pimple remedy can cure Acne, pimples, and other undesired skin eruptions due to ill treatment of skin cosmetic origin.
How to apply this indian pimple cure remedy
Mix this herbal ingredients until they firm the creamy paste. After washing the face with cold water, apply pimple remedy paste gently on the face.
Let it to dry for 1 hour and wash the face with warm water.
Silk Cotton Tree thron powder scientific name is “Salmalia malabarica”. You can find it in Indian and other chinese store.
Pimple Remedy 2:
Herbal Night cream Remedy with Pimple Care
Take 20 gm of Garlic Cloves with 500 gm of Vegetable Lards, also 15 gram of Beeswax in saucepan and keep it over a low flame for 30 minutes.
After 30 minutes turn off the flame and leave it for 5-6 hours with cover on the pan. Remove the garlic cloves and pour the mixture into glass jars to solidify. Jars with screw type cover would bring the better result.
More Pimple Remedies
I. The mother of all the natural pimple remedies
II. Herbal Pimple Remedy using gram flour
III. Permanent pimple cure using natural theraby
IV. Pimple on the Eye Cure
Pimple Skin Review
Clearsil Pimple Cure Cream
Himalaya Herbal Natural Pimple Cream
Clean Clear Pimple Cream
Pimple Free by Clear Skin Cream