Dandruff Prevention And Treatment :
Dandruff can be avoided by applying a spoon of lime juice to your scalp and then it’s washing (Hair Washing) off.
Dandruff can be prevented by applying a fine paste of black pepper (milagu) and milk to your scalp and taking a head bath, this would make your hair free from dandruff
From the description of Natural Hair Care, Dandruff can also be evaded by applying a mixture of half cup lime juice, 1 egg and half cup curd to your hair and scalp. Then after allowing it to set for half an hour rinsing hair with sikakai powder is required. You need to apply ginger oil to soften your hair before taking head bath. If you experience any hair loss due to dandruff this natural beauty tips site recommend Dandruff hair loss remedies .
Ayurveda hair loss treatment for women
Ayurveda Treatment for hair loss recommends taking Aloe Vera Juice or Paste for 3 months. Also Combination of Hot Vitamin E oil massage and yoga practice will completely stop the hair loss on women.