Pineapple and Olive oil takes very good care of aging skin. To use this remedy for reducing the deep
wrinkles on neck, take 2 tablespoon olive oil, 1 cup of fresh pineapple crush and a teaspoon of rose water. First clean the face and neck with cleansing milk or raw milk. Then apply olive oil on face and neck. Give a slight massage giving upward strokes so that the oil is absorbed by the skin. Now apply the mix of pineapple crush and rose water with a brush on the neck as well as face. Allow it to dry. After 20 minutes clean face with water. This home remedy can be used once in a week for
preventing wrinkles and controlling the same.
Neck wrinkle remedy using pineapple olive oil
The neck is often one of the first parts of the body to show signs of aging. Skin wrinkles and sagging can be a natural part of the aging process, but they don’t have to be permanent. A neck wrinkle recipe using pineapple and olive oil can help to diminish the look of neck wrinkles.
Pineapple and olive oil both contain a variety of antioxidants and skin-friendly properties that can improve the look of wrinkles and sagging skin. Pineapple contains vitamin C, which helps to boost collagen production, while olive oil is rich in vitamin E which helps to nourish and protect aging skin. Together, they make an effective wrinkle-fighting combo.
To make a neck wrinkle recipe using pineapple and olive oil, combine ¼ cup of mashed or blended pineapple with 2 tablespoons of organic, cold-pressed olive oil in a small bowl. Heat this mixture in the microwave in 10-second bursts until it is warm. Then apply the warm Oinment to neck while you are resting