Herbal skincare homemade remedies for summer
Summer Skin bleaching
Take a teaspoon of lime juice and stir in half a teaspoon of honey and a few drops of milk. Mix well and apply over your face and neck for fifteen minutes before you take your bath. This lotion will have a mild bleaching effect on a greasy skin, which because of its excessive oil may be rather sallow.
Skin whitener
To one tablespoon of cucumber juice, add few drops of lime juice and a dash of turmeric powder. Mix well and apply over your face and neck. Leave it for half an hour and then remove it. This lotion makes an excellent skin whitener for all types of skin.
Grind a few cabbage leaves and extract the juice. Dissolve a little
yeast in it and to this add a teaspoon of honey. Mix well and apply it
thickly over your face and neck and leave it on for 15 minutes. Then
remove with cotton wool soaked in water. This is an excellent remedy
for counter – acting dry skin.
Summer Natural Face Cleaner
Mix the juice of one lemon to two tablespoons of milk or cream. Apply
this on your face and neck. Massage for few minutes and rinse off
thoroughly. Do this daily before going to bed. It helps to clean your
face and keep your hands soft and supple.