Advanced Foot Care Recipes For Total Foot Routine :
The pedicure tools are Pumice stone, Cotton wool and buds Moisturizer, Nail cutter, Enamels either tinted or frosted, Orange stick, Cuticle cutter, Foot scrapper, Nailbrush, 2 basins having adequate size for footbath, Enamel remover, Base coat, Cuticle pusher, nail file and Topcoat.
The Pedicure staff includes Acetone, fluid soap or shampoo, Hydrogen Peroxide, Nail Varnish, Grease or lotion, Foot powder, Antibacterial cream and tepid water.
Pedicure method :
1. After immersing your feet in tepid foamy water for a couple of minutes you have to pat them dry. You should be cautious while wrapping your toenail scrupulously.
2. Any old enamel can be eradicated from your toenails with enamel remover and cotton fur.
3. While trimming and filing your nails, nail clippers should be used. In order to remove any rough ends you have to file your toenails simply straight across.
4. Your cuticles have to be rubbed in globular actions with a tipped carroty stick moistened in some cuticle lotion. Pumice pebble, nailbrush and foot scrapper can refresh your foot.
5. You are asked to re-immerse your feet for a couple of minutes.
6. Cuticle remover has to be applied to the cuticles with your tipped carroty stick.
7. Cautious elevation of the cuticle is required by soaking your cuticle blade.
8. Repeated re-immersion and scrupulous drying are required.
9. While massaging your foot and ankle with a high-quality moisturizer for a long time you have to powder between your toes unconscientiously with a foot powder or medicated talc .
10. After applying your base coat, you have to allow it to dry and then choose your nail varnish and paint on. It is important for you to remember the topcoat for tinted enamels.
11.Finally, you have to craft an actual tidy job by eradicating each and every remaining trace of enamel of the skin with your enamel remover and carroty stick, recommended by Natural Beauty Tips.