A glow on the facial skin says a lot about the individual mainly the internal health, happiness and well-being of the skin. Internal health and happiness have to be worked on by other means such as drinking lots water, eating well-balanced nutritional food, taking no stress and try to maintain the peace of mind etc. Externally the well-being of skin care could be achieved through practicing the herbal skin care regimen. One of the effective modes to attain that precious invaluable glow on the face is using turmeric herbal tips. Turmeric is the solution to almost all skin ailments hence it assists in gaining the glowing skin.
Cleanse the Skin with Turmeric Herbal Cleanser
Turmeric Powder: ½ Teaspoon
Unboiled Milk: 1 Tablespoon
Mix turmeric and unboiled milk together. Dip the cotton ball in this solution and dab it on the face nicely. Then using another cotton ball wipes the applied turmeric cleaner fully from the skin. Later rinse the face with normal water.
Apply Turmeric Herbal Pack for Skin Glow
Turmeric Powder: ½ Teaspoon
Sandalwood Powder: 1 Teaspoon
Olive Oil: 1 Teaspoon

Sandalwood powder fades scars, marks or blemishes if any on the face and improves the skin complexion. When combined with turmeric and olive oil it nourishes the skin and cleanses the skin till the bottom skin layer there by assists in attaining the facial glow. Its scientific name is Santalaceae Santalum Album.
Olive oil is rich source of vitamin E. It moisturizes the skin well as it is able to fulfill all the nutrient requirements of the skin. It leaves the skin soft, supple and radiant. Scientifically it is known as Olea Europaea.
Mix all three ingredients together. If the consistency is thick, little water could be added. Smear on the face after cleansing the facial skin with turmeric herbal cleanser. Gently give the massage on the face with finger tips for 2-3 minutes in circular motion. Next fumigate the face with water vapor. Then wash the face with lukewarm water and wipe the skin with smooth linen.
The ideal time to use this herbal pack shall be before the morning bath. The reason being, at this time the skin is tender and the absorption of the ingredients is faster. Also the skin pores that open up while fumigating the face shall close during bath. Ensure not to use soap on the face in any case as the skin is already cleaned with the turmeric herbal cleanser.
Use these turmeric herbal beauty tips for glowing skin twice in a week. If this regularity is maintained then within few months the skin shall become utterly clean and also get that amazing skin glow. Then finally, watch out all eyes following you!