Neck Skin Care

Neck Care General Beauty Tips
Natural beauty tips advises

  • Always maintain a correct posture and keep the neck straight.
  • For your skin care Clean your skin properly everyday. Remove the dead skin by using a gentle exfoliating scrub.
  • Massage the neck area daily with light finger pressure.
    Use a natural scrubber on your neck daily to keep the lymphatic glands active and also to remove dead skin.Use a low pillow. Neck alignment stays better with low pillows. You can also try the Neck Massage
  • Do not lean over your work table. Work at angles that help you maintain your head straight or sit closer to the table.
  • It is recommended not to sleep over a soft bed, while natural sleep.
    When you are lifting something then use your legs rather than back. This will not put excess strain on your neck.
  • The neck should be gently supported during sleeping and not bent or extended.
  • Neck exercises can be and should be done whole through the day.

The term good posture does not involve standing tall only, it also means making right use of body parts every time. Avoiding strain should be a part of your life whether you are working, sitting, walking, standing or exercising. A good posture and proper massage techniques will make your muscles stronger and develop a good carriage that is needed to support the neck.

How to do Neck Massage at Home

Neck massage at home using coconut oil or olive oil. One must take deep breathes while taking the neck massage as it helps to attain most of the neck massage
benefits.Neck massage is crucial for reliving the tension and eliminating the stress. It is also important to keep the skin well toned because as we progress towards the growing numbers with the ticking of the biological clock the neck skin begins to sag. The reason being slowly and gradually the skin elasticity reduces and it starts becoming loose. This loose skin sags and takes the form of wrinkles. Therefore along with reducing the stress, neck massage is vital for staying young for a long time.

Next thought after knowing the merits and purpose of neck massage could be how to do neck massage?
Well it can be carried on your own in few simple steps. Prior to starting the neck massage ensure to take deep breathes while massaging so that maximum benefits of the neck massage can be attained. Use coconut oil or olive oil for the massage. Massage therapists recommend mixing little essential oil in coconut oil for the neck massage as it gives deep relaxation along with the toning of skin.

Step 1: Sit Comfortably
The first step of the neck massage is to sit comfortably on the chair. This is the self-massage therefore lying down shall not be convenient.

Step 2: Move Head Side to Side
Keep the head in between the palm of both hands. Then move the head from one side to another. Do it very gently without giving any sort of pressure to the head. Carry this out for a minute or two.

Step 3: Massage the Neck
Rest your head on the back of your chair. Get into a comfortable position. Set all four fingers close to one another leaving the thumb away. Take little oil in the fingers and apply it on the neck. Now start moving the fingers from bottom of neck up towards the chin. Move both hands simultaneously one after the other. In between if it feels that fingers are not moving freely from down the neck to up the chin then take little more oil. Entire movement has to be very gentle without any sort of pressure.

Ideally one must spend 5-6 minutes on this step. This step is very important as it tones the neck skin. With this massage the skin is protected from getting sagged as it restores back the skin elasticity.

Step 4: Rub the Nape
The back of the neck is referred as nape. Again set the fingers of any one hand together and take little oil. Apply it on the nape and move it up and down along the back of the neck. Here a more firm hand can be used compared to the front neck massage. Do it for 1-2 minutes. This helps in relieving all the stress and tension. It kind of soothes the person.

In step 3 and step 4, oil is used as it assists in the finger movement and it nourishes the skin. Therefore, take little oil else it can become too sticky and oily. Usually in 2 teaspoon complete neck massage can be completed. Always apply oil first and then do the massage because with massage the oil penetrates inside the skin layer leaving the top skin layer oil free. Practice this neck massage and feel the change!
