How to get rid of pimples in natural way

Natural way to get rid of pimples

  • As a remedy to face pimple you can mix a spoon of fresh butter with turmeric powder and apply on your neck and face. Wash off after 5 minutes.
  • Every morning, rub an onion half on your pimple to make your pimple vanish without leaving marks.
  • To clear out pimples, apply Tulsi leaves juice on them.
  • For people with dry skin, mix mint juice with Tulasi juice and turmeric with thick milk and apply on face for twenty minutes. This will help your skin to retain its moisture and be smooth and soft.
  • A very good natural pimple cure is to add turmeric to warm two spoons of gingerly oil. Mix well and dab on face. Allow it to dry for some time and then wash off with cool water. (How to make Pimple Paste remedy)
  • For people with wrinkles, mix four spoons with Ragi powder with two spoons of rice [powder and some water. Heat it for a couple of seconds till it becomes a paste and then cool it till it becomes warm and apply on face. Wash off with cool water.
  • After a stressful day at work, mix a spoon each of lemon juice, vinegar and gram flour. Let it dry on face and then wash off to get an oil free skin care.
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