- Once very week, put juice of tomato on face and rinse after 15 minutes. Do it for at least two months before a noticeable difference.
- You should take more vitamin B to reduce pimples.
- To eliminate pimples , mix milk with Jadikai and apply it on affected area.
- Mix one and a half spoon of gram flour and add milk. Apply on neck and face twice every day. Let the paste dry and wash off with cool water. This will make your face glow .
- To reduce wrinkles, add two spoon of milk to an equal amount of rice powder to make a fine paste. Apply on face and neck and let it dry for thirty minutes. Wash off with warm water and pat dry.
Wrinkles due to age can be reduced by dabbing orange juice with cotton balls.- To reduce pimples soon , mix cloves with water and use this paste on pimples.
- Grind almonds to egg white and add a couple of drops of lemon juice . Apply on face and let it dry followed by washing off with cool water. Soon your face will look fresh and glowing .
- To have a fresh and young looking face, apply honey on face and let it remain for fifteen minutes.
- Chewing gums is also good for facial skin so chew them often.
- Collect the fresh dew drops from your garden leaves and flowers and apply them on your face after cleaning it. This will make your face remain fresh for the whole day but the drops should not contain any dust.
- To clear out the dirt and make up from skin , use steam therapy at least once every week.
- Oily and junk food and dandruff are the main reasons behind pimples . So have a lot of fresh fruits and vegetable sand clean your hair properly. Drink lots of water.