Nails of hands and legs are quite neglected body organs. This is the reason why it suffers from some nail ailments like infection, allergies or fungus etc. In addition nails look dull and lifeless because of no proper care. These could be cured with little concern and herbal remedies.
Lemon Herbal Home Remedy for Nail Infection
This remedy shall cure the nail infection. It also gives bright shine to nails. All this needs is one juicy lemon. The natural pH of the nail skin is restored with lemon juice. Its citric nature pulls out all the dirt settled on the edges of the nails. It also removes the stains on the nails. In scientific terms it is known as Citrus Limonium.
The nail that has pain is the infected nail. To use this herbal remedy cut the lemon from the top to make a small opening. Then push the infected finger in the lemon with little force. Keep the finger in the lemon till it stops stinging or for 2-3 minutes. Slowly the pain shall be relieved. Repeat it once in a day for 2-3 days. In case the pain or inflammation continues even after 3 days and nail looses its luster then immediately consult dennatologist, specialist in nail problems.
Thuja 6x Homeopathic Remedy for Brittle Nails
Thuja 6x stimulates the moisture content in the nails preventing the nails from getting split or brittle. It is made from the Eastern white cedar, rich in thujone-a volatile oil.
Aloe Vera Herbal Home Remedy for Infected Nails
Aloe vera is anti-fungal and antiseptic agent very effective in curing the nail infections. It can be defined as a multifunctional plant. Scientifically it is known as Aloe Barbaderis Mill. To use it for curing the infection, apply the aloe vera gel directly on the infected nail. Then cover the nail with the cotton linen dipped and squeezed in lukewarm water. Hold it for 3-4 minutes. Then once again repeat the process. This is referred as warm compress method. Use this remedy everyday till the moment infection moves out of the nail.
Castor Oil Herbal Home Remedy for Hangnails
Hangnails can be explained as a thin skin layer near the edges of fingernail or toenail peeled off. This has to be cut gently with the nail cutter. The reason behind the occurrence of hangnail is dry, dehydrated and under nourished skin near the nails. It is more commonly seen with the people having the habit of nail biting. This nail problem can be treated with castor oil. Castor oil is the natural emollient and good natural moisturizer. It restores the lost moisture and nourishes the nail deep inside the skin. It is extracted from castor plant scientifically called as Ricinus Communis.
To use the herbal remedy of castor oil, put 2-3 drops of oil on the hangnails with a dropper. Then gently with the finger tips massage it well so that the oil is absorbed in the skin. Use it regularly for seven days and the trouble of hangnails shall be solved.
These herbal tips shall help in taking good care of nails. Do remember these tips when nail problems occur and use it for sure!