Many of us might have a dark neck. Some might have layers of darkness in the center of the neck while others might have the darkness at the bottom of neck where neck jewelry is worn. It is said that if you are filthy rich it shows through the dark neck skin, well you might still want to get rid of the neck skin darkness as it blots the good looks plus it is always good to keep the status of the bank balance a secret. Therefore, use the home remedies to reduce the neck darkness.
Tomato Neck Pack to Reduce Skin Darkness
After a good neck massage apply tomato pack. To prepare this pack, first grate one tomato and half cucumber. Mix both together. Add one teaspoon fresh cream and mix well. Apply the mixture on the neck moving from bottom of the neck up to the chin. Leave it for 20 minutes then after rinse it off. This citric nature of tomato shall reduce the darkness on the neck skin and also lend a hand to tone up the neck skin.
Remove Neck Skin Darkness with Strawberry Pack
Wash three strawberries thoroughly under the running water. Chop it and grind in the mixer to make paste. Add one teaspoon raw milk and one tablespoon milk powder to the strawberry paste. Mix well and apply it on the neck skin that is prior cleaned with cleansing milk. The mixture can be applied using a flat brush. Allow it dry in 20 minutes then after clean it with water. This paste shall reduce the darkness of the neck skin that could match with the facial skin tone if used twice in week. It also fulfills the nutrients requirement of the skin.
Yogurt Lightens the Dark Neck
Mix together 2 tablespoon sour yogurt and one ripe grated tomato. Apply it on the neck and nape moving the brush from bottom up to the chin. Allow it to dry. After 5 minutes re-apply the mixture on the darker area once again then leave it. Just the once the duration of 20 minutes is over rinse the yogurt pack from the neck skin with water. The citric nature of yogurt and tomato slowly but surely clears the neck skin darkness by pulling out the dirt accumulated within the skin layers.
Get Rid of Dark Neck Skin with Green Tea
Make a concentrated decoction of green tea about one tablespoon. Mix one teaspoon fresh cream and one tablespoon crumbled white bread in it. The consistency of the mixture must be moderately thick. Start putting the paste on the neck with fingers moving in circular motion. Leave it for 2 minutes. Then again giving circular strokes with fingers try and remove the applied paste. Soon the mixture shall come out in form of thin lines. Subsequently clean the neck with lukewarm water and pat dry it. This remedy makes the neck skin free from all accumulated dirt thereby reduce the neck skin darkness. It also tightens the neck skin.
Make use of these remedies and get the attractive neck skin. To show your affluence to the world flaunt striking neck jewelries on your neck skin instead of a dark skin. What say!
Home remedy to lighten dark Skin around neck

Best indian remedy for light skin?
1. Turmeric: Turmeric is one of the most effective home remedies to lighten skin. It contains a compound called curcumin, which has natural bleaching properties that lighten the skin tone.
2. Cucumber: Cucumbers are packed with vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for the skin. The natural astringent properties in cucumber help to lighten and brighten skin.
3. Lemon Juice: Lemon juice is packed with vitamin C which can help to lighten your skin. The citric acid present in lemon juice can help to reduce pigmentation and brighten your skin.
4. Papaya: Papaya is a great remedy to lighten the skin. It contains an enzyme called papain which helps to naturally lighten the skin. The antioxidants present in papaya can help to reduce oxidative damage of the skin, thereby making it brighter.