Winters and dry skin do not have a cordial relationship because winters make the dry skin drier. If regular skincare is not taken during this time of the year then one can easily notice the white patchy and dull skin. In order to ignore all such undesirable winter skin effects use something that is amicable to dry skin. Some of such friendly herbal ingredients to dry skin are avocado, banana and yogurt. Together these make a ‘Herbal Avocado Face Mask”. It is the winter herbal weekly face mask ideal for dry skin.
Ingredients Required for Preparing Winter Dry Skin Herbal Mask:
Avocado: ½ piece
Banana: ½ piece
Yogurt: 2 tablespoons
Olive Oil: 1 teaspoon
Avocado contains balanced quantity of natural oil that nourishes the dry skin till its bottom layer. It does not lead to any sensitizing effects hence it is 100% safe to use for all skin tones especially for sensitive and dry skin. Its botanical name is Persea Americana.
Banana is considered as the nature””s secret of perpetual youth because it hydrates and tightens the skin. The botanical name of this golden fruit is Musa Paradisiaca.
Yogurt is also known as curd. It is acidic in nature. This acidic nature of yogurt helps to tighten skin and removes the dead skin cells.
Olive Oil very well makes the skin moisturized and hydrated. In winters it is a must-have ingredient for dry skin home remedies. It protects the dry skin from all sorts of external irritation as it offers the long-lasting protective shield on the skin. This olive oil shield helps in maintaining the skin soft and supple for long hours. Scientific name for olive oil is Olea Europaea.
Preparation Steps for Making Herbal Winter Avocado Face Mask
First, ensure the Avocado and banana to be used for making the herbal winter face mask are fully ripped. Then take out the pulp of avocado and banana in a bowl. Mash it thoroughly with the help of a spoon. Once mashed fully, add yogurt and olive oil too. Mix well. The paste is ready for application on face.
Application Technique of Winter Herbal Weekly Avocado Mask
Like all other face masks begin with cleansing the face and neck skin with any cleansing lotion. Then apply the prepared paste with the help of a flat brush leaving eyes and mouth area. Allow it to dry for about 20-30 minutes. Then after rinse the skin with lukewarm water. Later pat dry with soft cotton napkin.
As the name suggests it is a weekly face mask for dry skin, it has to be used once in seven days. It is perfect for winters because all the ingredients used in the herbal avocado face mask have the ability to provide the required moisturization and nourishment to dry skin that tends to become drier in the dehydrated air present in the atmosphere in winters.
Whether or not dry skin and winters develop harmony between each other but dry skin certainly shall adore this winter herbal avocado face mask. Use it and check out yourself!