Oatmeal – 3 Tablespoons
Papaya Pulp – 2 Tablespoons
Banana Mashed – 2 Tablespoons
Carrot Juice – 2 Tablespoons
Honey – 1 Teaspoon
Oatmeal has the property to balance the moisture content in the skin. Hence, for combination skin it is able to set the steadiness between the excess oil of oily skin and dryness of dry skin areas. IT also cleanses the skin gently and even out the skin tone. The scientific name for oats is Avena Sativa.
Papaya is excellent is removing the unwanted oil from the skin. It assists in reducing the pimple and acne breakout on the skin. It fulfills most of the nutrient requirement of the skin hence makes the skin shine naturally. It is best for combination skin. The scientific name for papaya is Carica Papaya.Banana being rich in potassium controls the release of sodium and fluid from the skin cells. This property is helpful in preventing the dry skin from getting dried out. It also protects the skin from all the harshness of winter weather conditions. It helps in retaining the youthfulness of the skin. Scientifically banana is known as Musa Paradisiaca.Carrot is good for oily and dry skin. It clears the skin and fades all the facial scars and marks. It also assists in maintaining the moisture level in the skin. It is known as Daucus Carota scientifically.
Honey makes the skin revitalize and restore its lost strength in every manner. It also helps in the repair of damaged and sluggish tender skin cells and tissues. It makes the skin surface very smooth and even. The scientific name for honey is Strained Honey, Mel.
Preparation Steps for Making Combination Skin Oatmeal Face Mask
First mix the papaya pulp and mashed banana in a bowl. Then add oatmeal and blend it well. Next to this mixture add carrot juice and honey. Mix well all the ingredients to get a smooth paste. The consistency should be moderate. If the mixture is thick then add little milk to get the desired consistency.
Application Technique of Herbal Oatmeal Winter Combination Skin Mask
Cleanse the face and neck skin with any cleansing lotion. Apply the prepared paste with the help of a flat brush on the skin leaving the eyes and mouth area. Leave it for 20 minutes. In this time duration the juices of all the ingredients shall penetrate inside the skin layers and do the needful. After 20 minutes remove the mask and rinse the skin with lukewarm water. Pat dry the skin with soft napkin.
Use this herbal face mask once in a week without a miss. The combination of oatmeal, carrot juice, papaya, banana and honey shall make it uncomplicated to look after the tricky combination skin primarily in winters. By now you know the reason!
Honey makes the skin revitalize and restore its lost strength in every manner. It also helps in the repair of damaged and sluggish tender skin cells and tissues. It makes the skin surface very smooth and even. The scientific name for honey is Strained Honey, Mel.
Preparation Steps for Making Combination Skin Oatmeal Face Mask
First mix the papaya pulp and mashed banana in a bowl. Then add oatmeal and blend it well. Next to this mixture add carrot juice and honey. Mix well all the ingredients to get a smooth paste. The consistency should be moderate. If the mixture is thick then add little milk to get the desired consistency.
Application Technique of Herbal Oatmeal Winter Combination Skin Mask
Cleanse the face and neck skin with any cleansing lotion. Apply the prepared paste with the help of a flat brush on the skin leaving the eyes and mouth area. Leave it for 20 minutes. In this time duration the juices of all the ingredients shall penetrate inside the skin layers and do the needful. After 20 minutes remove the mask and rinse the skin with lukewarm water. Pat dry the skin with soft napkin.
Use this herbal face mask once in a week without a miss. The combination of oatmeal, carrot juice, papaya, banana and honey shall make it uncomplicated to look after the tricky combination skin primarily in winters. By now you know the reason!