Oleation for glowing skin
This entails applying purifying oils to the body. Take a deep permeating massage based on lymphatic drainage systems with sesame, purifying oil made by til and fennel seeds.
Skin Purgation
This entails taking a high-fibre diet of bran, muesli, cabbage, apple and guava to cleanse small intestines and reduce excess acid. Also take aloe-vera gel mixed with water internally for seven days for easy skin cleanser.
Elevated Temperature for Skin Perspiration
After the body massage with til oil, the skin channels open and are ready to expel wastes. As per the panchakarma treament Heat and steam open the outer channels and aid the body””s natural eliminative process. You will be surprised to know that one-fourth of all waste exits through skin with sweat. Essential oils like thyme and lavender are added to the water in the steam cabinet and the body is allowed to sweat for 15 minutes, with the genital area protected with an undergarment at the time of steaming.
Mud-pack skin therpay
The fourth step is of mud-pack treatment. After steaming, a purifying mudpack is made as given below and applied all over the body. To prepare a mud-pack the following ingredients are used.One sandal face pack, one clay mint pack, one special rose pack and one pack spirutonec. All packs are mixed together in water and applied all over the body. It is left to oxygenate for 20 minutes and then rinsed off with pure water.
Skin Gelation
This is the final step of Panchakarma skin therapy the step, gelation (skin cooling therapy). Once the body is cleansed, it is wiped with a soft muslin cloth and a skin purifying Spirulina gel is applied all over the body and left to dry. Aromatic facial treatment also has the property and is useful for those who are short of time.