Get your hands on fair skin with the use of any one of these 6 natural skin whitening ingredients.
It is a natural bleaching agent. Its citric nature pulls out all the accumulated dirt in the skin pores and removes the excessive secreted natural oil from the skin. To use it take one teaspoon freshly prepared lemon juice and one teaspoon rose water. Mix both together. With the help of a cotton ball slowly dab this liquid on face and neck. Keep it for 15 minutes and later wash it. Lemon is the natural astringent that is very effective for skin lightening but leaves the dry skin. It is best for oily skin but for dry and normal skin after using this lemon skin whitening remedy apply a good quality moisturizer.
It helps in reducing the skin tan thereby enhances the color. It is widely used for many professional as well as homemade beauty treatments. One simple way of using Almonds for skin whitening is Almond and Milk Pack. To use the same soak 4-5 almonds in milk having 4-5 saffron strands early morning. After finishing dinner peel the almonds and using same milk and saffron strands make a smooth fine paste in the mixer. Apply this paste on the face and neck and leave it overnight. Next morning splash cold water on face and clean the skin. Use this almond skin whitening remedy everyday for 15 days to observe the desired results.
This vegetable is full of Vitamin C that is useful for skin whitening. It can be used in form of a beauty pack. To prepare the Tomato Skin Whitening Pack, grate one large tomato. Add 2-3 drops of lemon juice and few drops of rose water. Mix all well. Apply this mixture on the face and neck with the help of a flat brush. Hold it for 15 minutes. Subsequently clean the skin with water. Use it every alternate day for best results.
Raw papaya green in color and ripe papaya orange in color are helpful for improving the complexion. The green papaya consists of papain enzyme that is ideal for skin lightening. It can be used as – take one tablespoon fine paste of raw papaya and one tablespoon pulp of ripe papaya. Merge both together. Apply this mixture on face. Leave it for 15 minutes. After that remove the papaya from face and wash the skin with water. It can be used everyday for best results.
Sour curd is again a good source of vitamin C. To use it for skin lightening add ¼ teaspoon turmeric powder to one tablespoon of thick curd. Smear it on the face and neck. After 15 minutes wash face with water. Being 100% natural it can be used daily.
It is a good bleaching agent. The juice in potato evens out the skin. Finely grate one potato and add one teaspoon honey to it. Apply it on the skin. After 20 minutes clean the face and neck with water. It can be used for all skin tones.
There is no more need for craving for the fair skin anymore because these 6 natural skin whitening ingredients shall give what you want. Use it and second the same!