Oily skin is common among adolescents, but can be in any age. Avoid products that leave skin care for your skin taut and dehydrated. Oily skin is shiny. Blackheads, pimples and acnes results from dry skin, it attracts dirt and dust .
Even if oily skin causes spots and blackheads , it is advantageous for some people because it ages at a slower rate than other skin types and does not dry up faster.
The oil-producing glands (over active sebaceous glands) make certain parts of face, i.e. forehead, nose, chin look shiny, recommended by natural beauty tips
Oily skin is caused by the overproduction of sebum, which is an oily substance produced by the sebaceous glands in the skin. Sebum is important for keeping the skin moisturized and protecting it from damage, but when too much is produced, it can lead to a shiny appearance, clogged pores, and acne. Hormones, genetics, diet, and certain skincare products can all contribute to excess sebum production and oily skin
If you have oily skin, here are some recommendations: