Party at home, too much walking while shopping or lots of moving around during sightseeing all have one common consequence in the end – tired painful feet. All these activities are fun and must be carried out for sure without thinking much about the tired legs because the herbal peppermint salt massage is the best home remedy to heal all the pain.
Ingredients Needed for Herbal peppermint Salt Massage
Peppermint Oil: 5 Drops
Sea Salt: 1 Tablespoon (15 ml)
Extra Virgin Olive Oil: 1 Tablespoon (15 ml)
Peppermint oil is one amongst the wide variety of essential oils. It has the natural power to refresh the dull skin and is an excellent pain killer. This is the reason why it is the prime ingredient of this herbal home remedy for tired feet. Soon after application on the feet it soothes and pacifies the exhausted feet. It gives immediate relief from the pain in the feet nevertheless it releases the pain of entire leg. The scientific name of peppermint is Mentha x Piperita.
Olive Oil when applied on the foot skin assists it to restore the lost natural oil thereby makes the skin soft and moisturized. It protects the feet from harmful free radicals hence lessens the creases on the feet. Olive oil even safeguards the leg skin from skin diseases namely eczema and psoriasis. Scientifically it is known as Olea Europaea.
Method to Prepare the Herbal Peppermint Salt Massage
Mix all the ingredients in a bowl. Blend it well to get the even mixture.
Application of Herbal Peppermint Salt Home Remedy
Take the prepared mixture and massage on the foot, ankles and legs till the knee. Move the hands in circular motion. Carry out the massage for 5 minutes then change to other leg. Next, immerse the legs in the bucket full of lukewarm water for another 5 minutes. Later rinse with plain water and pat dry.
This herbal peppermint salt massage remedy gives immediate relief from the pain. It is simple yet very comforting for the tired legs. It can be used as and when required. It is best to use in night after finishing all the work or precisely before sleeping.
Do not compromise on the fun element in life. Use this herbal home remedy and never let any pain get near the feet!