Maybe you are not in the position to fork out big bucks to visit out at a beauty parlor. You are still entitled to the best of herbals what is around. So try these simple herbal body care beauty tips. As per indian natural beauty tips
BLEMISH (mask): Form a paste by adding water to half a teaspoon of turmeric. Apply on blemishes and leave overnight.
CHOCLOATE BODY WRAP: Make a mixture consisting of quarter cup of honey and three quarter cup of cocoa powder. Bring it up to a comfortable temperature in the microwave. Give your entire body a treat with this paste for 20 minutes before taking a shower.
ORANGE PEEL: This is ideal for toning up the skin. Peel and chop an orange. Mix it with two tablespoons of coarse sea salt and rub the mixture thoroughly over skin that is dry. Allow it remain for about 5 minutes. Then wash it off.
TOMATOE TREATMENT: Peel and crush a tomato before applying it to your face. Tomatoes have certain acids that act as agents to bring back pH levels of the skin and tighten loosening pores.
CALLULITE PASTE: Make a paste consisting of half a cup of coffee beans, half-cup salt, and a teaspoon of kelp and four tablespoons of olive oil. <a href="/NaturalBeauty/BeautycareFoods/BeautyTips?m=26&
on the skin by rubbing into the folds with light circular strokes
either with your fingers or a loofah. Then pat it dry vigorously.