Oily skin behaves best during winters as it does not dry out in the desiccated air. This season is not a threat to the oily skin in any way but the skin needs to be looked after to some extent. To do the needful in terms of skin care use the simple weekly herbal face mask specially crafted for oily skin in winters. It is the Herbal Papaya Face Mask.
Ingredients Needed for Herbal Papaya Oily Skin face Mask
Papaya Pulp: 5 Tablespoon
Oatmeal: 2 Tablespoon
Egg White: 1 Egg
Lemon Juice: 1 Teaspoon
Papaya cleanses the skin gently be removing the dirt and excess oil from the face. It also closes the skin pores so that the dirt and oil does not accumulate. This is crucial for lessening the pimple or acne breakout on the oily skin. The botanical name is Carica Papaya.
Oatmeal is widely known as skin softener. It evens out the skin tone. Scientific name for oats is Avena Sativa. When mixed with papaya for the herbal face mask it binds all the ingredients together and soaks all the excess unwanted natural oil from the face.
Lemon is a natural astringent. It helps in attaining the smooth skin surface and also unclogs the skin pores. The citric nature of lemon makes it as the best facial cleanser for oily skin. It leaves the skin glowing. Scientifically it is known as Citrus Limon.
Preparation Line of Action for Winter Oily Skin Face Mask
Mash the papaya pulp in a bowl properly to get the texture of smooth paste. To this add oatmeal and lemon juice. Mix well. In another bowl whip the egg white nicely and add it to the bowl having other ingredients. Blend well to make a fine mixture.
Application Steps of Oily Skin Herbal Papaya Face Mask
Begin with face and neck cleansing with homemade cleansing solution. Next pat the prepared paste on the face and neck leaving the eyes and mouth. Relax for 15 minutes with the mask on the face. Later rinse it off with lukewarm water and pat dry the skin. In case the pack gets dried up before 15 minutes then clean it off immediately because the egg white once dried has to be rinsed off else it stretches the skin too much leading to wrinkle formation. In few cases the face mask dries up before the set time due to excessive body heat.
This is a weekly face mask for oily skin. It is beneficial for winters but can be also be used for other months as well. Applying this winter herbal papaya face mask must be your concern rest the ingredients in the face mask shall take good care of oily skin. Experience it yourself!