How to Conceal Eye Wrinkles with Eye Makeup

Eye wrinkles can be well hidden with apt eye makeup. There are few makeup tricks that involve the right use of the cosmetics, right color, slight dull shades and finish. All these shall be largely helpful in upholding the youthful look and shun away the mature facial appearance for sometime.

Eye wrinkles is one of the common signs of aging. It would surely appear on the face when the time comes. Best is to put these undesirable eye wrinkle out of sight with right use of make-up tricks. All the makeup cosmetics used to cover up the undesirable crow-feet wrinkles must be less in quantity. Too much of makeup can settle down on the eye wrinkles and highlight it instead of concealing.

How to Use Foundation in Hiding Eye Wrinkles

Prefer to keep the foundation color shade light and ensure to blend it well with the skin. It must be applied in small quantity. The aim of foundation use is to give the base to the facial skin for the make-up. Too much of it would make the face look patchy and emphasize the wrinkles around the eyes. Hence, never apply too much foundation to cover up the eye wrinkles. The soft lines shall be enveloped with the other make-up cosmetics as well like concealer, mascara and eye-liner etc.

How to Apply Matte Eye Shadows to Veil Eye Wrinkles

Ladies having eye wrinkles must always opt for matte eye shadows over the shiny finish. Try to pick the subdued colors. Also go in more for subtle shades instead of bright shades. This would proffer the uniform color to the eyes. The reason behind recommending the matte finish over shiny is that bright shiny eye shadows would draw attention and emphasize the crow-feet wrinkle present on the edges of eye.
Eye Wrinkles Cornered with Mascara
Mascara makes the eyes look fresh with a spark of liveliness. Upper and lower eye lashes looks very attractive and never lets the attention of the on-looker towards the eye wrinkles.

How to Apply Eye Liner to Hide Eye Wrinkles

It is decidedly suggested to use brown and brown-black shades of eye liner for eye make-up that aspires for veiling the eye wrinkles. It proffers the eyes more full and wide look. Try to apply eye liner for wrinkles neither too thin nor too thick. It should in between the two extremes and do not stretch it too much towards the corners.
Try these make-up tricks to hide the eye wrinkles. Always pick the entire makeup products in matte and subtle colors in order to conceal the wrinkles. Wear the right make-up on your face to turn wrinkles helpless so that it neither reveal your age nor stop you from looking young. You would adore this youthful touch!