This plant belongs to the family “Fabaceae”. It forms the principal source of the industry and called as the “King of dyestuffs”. It was grown in India, China and other eastern countries. The people of Asia had known the dyes for over 4,000 years. The leaves of the plant contain a soluble odourless glycoside, called “Indican”; during fermentation of the leaves indican is hydrolysed to glucose and indoxyl. Indigotin is obtained as a result of oxidation of indoxyl. If the dye is of high quality, it is deep violet-blue and porous.
Indigo herbel use of medicine:
The dye is used in dyeing and printing cotton fabrics, rayon and wool. It is used in washing of cotton clothes. It is also used in the manufacture of pigments for printing inks, lacquers and paints.
The dye is used in dyeing and printing cotton fabrics, rayon and wool. It is used in washing of cotton clothes. It is also used in the manufacture of pigments for printing inks, lacquers and paints.