Head Lice infestation is one of the major hair problems that occur in rainy season period. It is also called as pediculosis. It can happen at anytime in the life span.
It is suggested to clean the scalp as soon as possible from the lice. The reason being once it occurs it multiplies at a very rapid speed which becomes uncontrollable. Hence, always make sure to get rid of lice immediately. There are many anti–lice hair shampoos and medicines available in the market to make the head lice free. These all are chemically produced lice removing products that surely leave back some side effects. Moreover, it only kills the lice and sometimes the lymph but never the nits. So when nits are not killed, the scalp can never become free from lice because nit shall hatch into lymph and finally to lice only. Therefore, it is best to use home remedies to clear the scalp from lice, lymph and nits.
Use Vinegar to Keep Lice Away from Scalp
Apply white vinegar on the hair roots gently using fingers. Wait for 20-30 minutes. Later take a head wash with herbal shampoo. This remedy shall kill all three forms of lice and make the scalp clean. It might take 2-3 attempts to divest lice completely from the head. In case too much itching occu
Licenex Head Lice Shampoo – 2 Bottles – Save $9.97 – $45.97
Are you and your family looking for an all-natural head lice solution that works? Then you need to know about Licenex. Licenex is safe and gentle for even the most sensitive skin, don”t take chances with harsh chemicals that still require hours of nitpicking. We offer overnight shipping, so order Licenex today and be back in school tomorrow. Satisfaction guaranteed – No negative side effects! Safe for adults and children with head lice – Discover how Licenex can help you today! |
Rub Listerine Mouthwash to Dispose of the Lice
Ahead of to taking hair wash, rub Listerine mouthwash on the hair roots with a gentle hand. Ensure the mouth wash is applied on the entire scalp. Once it is done, allow the applied liquid to do the needful. Then after take the hair wash with shampoo. This too shall assist in making the head free from nits, lymph and lice. It also needs more than 2 attempts to clear the lice totally from the scalp. Listerine mouthwash is absolutely harmless hence it is safe to use for young girls too.
Massage Savlon on Scalp to Throw Out Lice from Hairs
Savlon is the liquid medicine same as detol used for controlling the bleeding on the wounds. It too is chemically produced like anti-lice shampoo but is very effective in killing the lice eggs (nits), lymph and lice. It has to be applied same as Listerine mouthwash on the hair roots covering the whole scalp. Leave it for 20 minutes and later take the hair wash with any good shampoo. This shall remove the lice from the scalp within 3-4 application. It can be used twice in a week. It is safe for everyone to use.
These remedies are not much time consuming. The ingredients used are easily available. The best part is it kills all three forms of lice and make the scalp clean. When suffering with lice infestation, do give it a try!
Head lice are building of rrrsoft skillsrrr problem among children in order to be school. While removing head lice might sense a long, difficult task, just remember it does not need to just be. Lice Removal, 100 Church Street Decatur, GA 30031 (770)-645-4548