Clean and clear skin can be attained by maintaining the balanced state of mind, right lifestyle and good skin care. Using herbal home remedies for skin care is a better choice over the expensive cosmetics. One such herbal home remedy that would surely help in getting smooth and spotless skin is Manjista (also spelled as Manjistha) Herbal Face Pack.
Ingredients Required for Manjista Herbal Home Remedy
Manjista Powder – 2 Tablespoons
Orange Split Masoor Dal – 50 grams
Rose water – 2 Tablespoons
Manjista powder is the skin pacifier which soothes the skin from itching, irritation and inflammation. Manjista herb is best known for blood purification and improving the circulation. When used externally, then also it endeavors to enhance the blood circulation within the skin layers. Scientifically it is known as Rubia cordifolia.
Orange Split Masoor dal is helpful in restoring the moisture of the skin as well as controls the oil produced from the skin mainly the oily skin. It assists in minimizing the pimple and acne breakout on the skin. It safeguards the skin from getting cracked or chapped during t
Rose water consists of anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties. With unique gifted beauty enhancing properties and pleasant fragrance it soothes the skin amazingly. It refreshes the stressed skin, tightens the pores and revitalizes the skin. To put in one line it is a boon for the skin. It is extracted from varied varieties of rose petals hence does not have any specific scientific name.
Steps to Prepare Manjista Herbal Face Pack
Step 1 – Keep 150 ml water for boiling. Once the water reaches the boiling point add Manjista coarse powder. Stir it well and lower the flame to allow the mixture to boil. Continue to boil; stirring occasionally till the time mixture is reduced to one-fourth. Next, turn off the flame and let the decoction temperature come down to normal.
Step 2 – Soak the masoor dal (lentil) in Manjista decoction for 24 hours. Later sieve it and drain all the liquid.
Step 3 – Spread the soaked lentil on cotton linen for drying in the hot sun. It might take a day or two for the pulses to dry completely.
Step 4 – Next grind the sun dried masoor dal in the mixer without any water to make the coarse powder.
Step 5 – Take one tablespoon prepared medicated Manjista Masoor coarse powder and mix it with two tablespoons rose water. Blend it well.
Application of Herbal Manjista Face Mask
Apply the prepared paste using a flat brush on the face and neck. Keep it for 20 minutes or till the time it dries up fully. Then after rinse it off with lukewarm water. Lastly pat dry the skin with cotton water absorbing napkin.
Frequency to Use Manjista Clear Skin Herbal Pack
Apply this pack on the skin once in a week. The best time to use it shall be after calling it a day in the evening. Manjista herb is the skin pacifier and rose water de-stress the skin. The skin shall not only become smooth but also shall refresh entirely. This herbal home remedy also will improve the complexion of the skin significantly.
Manjista herbal face pack is good alternative to clam down the tired and frazzled skin. Always keep the herbal Manjista masoor powder ready so that after a hectic day refresh the skin with this pack. The skin shall feel pampered and resume its glow!